Dharma means order of the Lord - dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
Occupational duties of Uncivilized people
kaitava-dharma ———— Cheating religion
apara dharma ————– Religion of the inferior material nature,
religion performed for material gain
Utsanna-kula-dharma ——- They have no family. They don’t care for
any rules & regulation. Utsanna-everything destroyed
asanatana-dharma ———- Perishable religion
asad dharma ————— That which will seize to exist, that will not stay
mano-dharma—————- Speculation, mental creation
virupa dharma————– Servitor of the senses
Occupational duties of Civilized people
Samnaya Dharma ————- General Duty
Kula Dharma —————- Duty of Family
Jati Dharma —————- Duty of the Cast
Stri Dharma —————- Duty of female
Pravritti Dharma ———– Duty of Worldly Life
putrika-dharma ————- Duty of a Daughter
desa-dharma—————– Duty of the nation
Samaja-dharma ————– Duty of a community
svabhava dharma ———— Duty as per one nature
dharma-atma—————– Duty bound soul
Occupational duties of People Advanced in Civilization
Sanathana Dharma ———– Eternal Duty
Varnasrama Dharma ———- Duties of Caste and Order
sannyasa-dharma ———— Duty of a worldly renounced soul
yatira dharma—————– The religious principle of a sannysa
brahmanya-dharma ———– Duty of a Brahmana
grha-dharma —————- Duty of a Householder
Moksa-dharma—————- Duty for liberation
apad-dharma —————- occupational duty at times of
extraordinary happenings, or religion in distress
satya-dharma ————— Duty of the truth
Satita dharma ————– Duty of a Chaste women
sasvata-dharma ————- Eternal Religion
asrama-dharma ————– Duty according to ones occupation
Manava Dharma ————– Duty of Mankind
Raja Dharma —————- Duty of King
Praja Dharma ————— Duty of Subjects
Pursha Dharma ————– Duty of Man
Svadharma —————— Ones own duties
sarva-dharma ————— All religion
Nivritti Dharma ———— Duty in Spiritual Life
Occupational duties of People Highest in Advancement
Yuga Dharma —————- Duty of the age or period in
visva-dharma ————— Universal religion
sad-dharma—————— Real duty, eternal Occupation
svarupa dharma ————- Duty as per ones self
Visesha Dharma ————- Special Duty
Bhagavata-dharma ———– Duty of a devotee
paro dharma —————- Duty of the Highest order
sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saraṇam vraja
bhagavan dharma ———— Ultimate Dharma to Surrender to Lord
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