

Kamadeva, lust personified, has five names according to the Amara-kosha dictionary: kandarpa darpako ‘nanga kAmah pancha-sharaih smarah "Cupid has five names;

(1) Cupid;
(2) Darpaka, ‘he who prevents future events’;
(3) Ananga, ‘he who has no physical body’;
(4) KAma, ‘lust personified’; and
(5) Pancha-sharaih, ‘he who holds five arrows’ ".

Kandarpa: In the tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita (BG 10:28.) Lord Sri Krishna says, prajanash casmi kandarpah; "Of causes for procreation, I am Kandarpa". The word Kandarpa also means "very beautiful". Kandarpa appeared as Lord Krishna’s son Pradyumna in Dwaraka.

Darpaka: This name indicates that Cupid can perceive what is to take place and prevent it from happening. Specifically, he tries to impede pure spiritual activity by alluring one’s mind and forcibly engaging one in material sense enjoyment.

Ananga: Once, when Cupid disturbed the meditation of Lord Shiva, that powerful deva (demigod) burned him (Cupid) to ashes. Still, Shiva gave Cupid the benediction that he would act in the world even without a physical body - like a ghost.

Kama: In Bhagavad Gita BG 7:11.) Lord Sri Krishna says, dharmAviruddho bhuteshu kamo’smi: "I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles."

Pancha-sharaih: The five arrows with which Cupid pierces the mind of the living entities are taste, touch, sound, smell, and sight.These are the five names of the empowered deva Cupid, who enchants all living entities and makes them do whatever he wants. Without receiving the mercy of Guru and Krishna one cannot resist his power.
